Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Klieg Lights Obama!

Bush talked about the Klieg Lights today in his final White House speech. What are Klieg Lights? Bush said about Klieg Lights today:
“He’ll make the decisions he thinks (are) necessary. When I get out of here, I’m getting off the stage. I believe there ought to be one person in the Klieg lights at a time and I’ve had my time in the Klieg lights.”
A Klieg light is used predominately in movies through a carbon arc. The movie lighting was named for its inventor John H. Kliegl and brother Anton Tiberius Kliegl.
However, today Klieg lights are illuminated through the use of a tungsten-halogen filament.
The most popular purpose sometimes for Kliegs is to convert a location from day to night. The lights were first used in 1911.


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