Monday, January 5, 2009

Galactic Alignment Galactic Alignment In 2012 Galactic Alignment Science Or Superstition

We’re continuing our year-end discussion on visions of the apocalypse. Not to scare you, but to explore why so many traditions invoke the end of the world in troubled times. One growing movement points precisely to the culmination of history as we know it on December 21, 2012, or 12/21/12.

That is the last date on the Mayan long-count calendar and the precise day arrived at by one computer analysis of the I Ching. The theory has spread from new age circles to mainstream astronomers and media, and is even being debated in college courses.

On January 4, The History Channel airs Nostradamus: 2012, speculating on prophesies by the 16th century French apothecary. A 2012 feature film by The Day after Tomorrow director Roland Emmerich is due out next summer, and a new documentary called 2012: Science or Superstition? features the naysayers, as well as supporters who foretell not cataclysm, but the dawn of a new era of enlightened human consciousness.

John Major Jenkins is among those featured in the film. He is author of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 among other books, and one of the leading voices of the 2012 theory. He's known for fine-tuning the galactic alignment theory relating to 12/21/12. He explains that he doesn’t regard this as a horrific collapse of the world, though, but a time of transformation and renewal.


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