Finish your thought,Sally Hawkins
This could be the time to note that the Golden Globes don't cue the music when a winner gets a little tongue tied, emotional, un-sound-bitey.
Sally Hawkins, freshly minted Gold Rush Q&A victim, you go right ahead and tell us how much you love your castmates, producers, crew, family, wardrobers, etc etc etc.
We love you right back! (Note: Her win is helping our so-far kind of lame batting average In this respect, the Globes have it all over the Oscars, where those really awkward moments invariably happen. Someone, having the night of their lives, gets swept away from the microphone with a symphonic flourish. Rude!
Isn't it all about the people, people? This is why we watch awards shows to begin with -- to hear what the winners have to say. Those spontaneous bits, the tears, the authenticity. Sally had that in spades.
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