The Speech and the Ceremony: Liveblogging the Livebloggers
-Michael Tomasky at the Guardian: “If the speech was mildly underwhelming, I suppose I’d say this. There were many times during the campaign when I, and other political junkies of my acquaintance, thought Obama was screwing something up. A week or a month later, we almost invariably saw that maybe he was right after all. So maybe he thought, let’s put the poetry on the shelf. It’s time now to get to work. He’s got a lot of that ahead of him, so it’s understandable I suppose if that, not rhetoric, is what is foremost in his mind.”
-Jason Zengerle at the Plank: “This is obviously Obama’s day, but the moment I’ll most remember from the Inauguration is Joseph Lowery slowly walking up to the dais–looking so old and bent that I worried he might not make it there–and then delivering a benediction that was lyrical, funny, and, by the sheer fact that he was delivering it, the most powerful symbol of just how far we as a country have come. Unbelievable.”
-Ben Smith at Politico.com: “A well-placed Republican operative emails: ‘As I watched Biden take the oath of office, I thanked God that it was not Sarah Palin up there.’ ”
-Michael Knox Beran at The Corner: “A home run, very different in its emphases from ‘The Audacity of Hope’; much graver, more sober, and (in a good way) backward-looking. A speech like this should be, as the new president said, about ‘who we are’ as Americans and how it is incumbent upon us to be ‘keepers of the legacy.’ I was struck by the allusiveness of the address, the degree to which he worked with what he called ‘founding documents.’ ”
-Matt Cooper: “A tremendous moment. No one killer line and far more martial and hawkish than I would have guessed.”
-Ann Althouse revises her oath-parsing analysis: “I listened again to the oath. In fact, Roberts puts ‘faithfully’ after ‘President of the United States’ the first time as well as the second.”
-For students of rhetoric, Marc Ambinder has posted a two-part classical dissection of Obama’s inaugural address, pointing out which part is the “exhoridum,” which the “narratia” and which the “partition.” Part one and part two.
-Slate: ” ‘His penmanship is really excellent.’ ” Fawningest CNN comment thus far? From Blitzer, of course.”
-Ann Althouse: “The Chief Justice in fact screwed up the oath. . . Roberts left out the word ‘faithfully.’ (He also said ‘President to the United State.’) Obama saw the mistake and stopped himself to gave Roberts a chance to fix it. Roberts redid the line, remembering to throw in ‘faithfully,’ but putting it in the wrong place — after President of the United States — and, this time, Obama went along with the wording. Close enough, I guess he figured. I wonder what Barack Obama was thinking. Maybe: Some textualist you turned out to be!
-The White House Blog: “Change has come to WhiteHouse.gov”
-Cliff May, National Review: “Obama is not spending a moment dancing in the end zone. He’s focusing on problems and the need for renewed energy and determination in solving them. Most of what he is saying could just as easily have been said by John McCain or Mitt Romney—or Ronald Reagan. There will be many disagreements with him in the months and years ahead. But Americans have chosen an extraordinary individual to lead this extraordinary nation.”
-David Frum: “Obama aides have been signaling that the speech would be familiar. That was understood to mean that it would echo Obama’s own past words. Instead, it’s familiar because it seems to evoke every oft-expressed thought and repeat so many well-worn phrases. If you have prosaic things to say, better to follow Ronald Reagan’s example in 1981 and use the language of prose. This is a stumble, an over-reach that wishes to be remembered as bigger and better than it was.”
-Patrick Ruffini: “Not one of Obama’s best speeches, but very interesting he is trying to give a stemwinder. Good.”
-Slate: Most frequent words in Obama speech besides ‘the,’ ‘and,’ ‘of,’ ‘to,’ and the like: ‘our’ (62 times), ‘we’ (50x), ‘us’ (23x).”
-Ta-Nehisi Coates: I think I’ve heard too many Obama speeches. I’m unmoved. It’s not his fault.He sounds awesome as ever. But I’ve seen this too many times, I think.
-Andrew Sullivan: “Oh, Aretha: The phrasing of her first line was priceless. Warren? Not so much.”
-Matt Yglesias: “Why is Rick Warren poaching from the shema?”
-David Frum: “I don’t know if anybody else appreciated the use of Jesus’ Hebrew name by Rick Warren, but I liked it.”
-David Frum: “War first – economy second – on the list of national concerns. Climate change in the main body of the speech, unprecedented. But what’s this? Not a malaise speech?”
-Michelle Malkin: “Good news: They didn’t bring out the fake Greek columns from the Dem convention.”
Obama parades to White House after historic oath
WASHINGTON (AP) — Stepping into history, Barack Hussein Obama grasped the reins of power as America's first black president on Tuesday, declaring the nation must choose "hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord" to overcome the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
In frigid temperatures, an exuberant crowd of more than a million packed the National Mall and parade route to celebrate Obama's inauguration in a high-noon ceremony. Waving and cheering in jubilation, they stretched from the inaugural platform at the U.S. Capitol toward the Lincoln Memorial in the distance.
With 11 million Americans out of work and trillions of dollars lost in the stock market's tumble, Obama emphasized that his biggest challenge is to repair the tattered economy left behind by outgoing President George W. Bush.
"Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely passed," Obama said. "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America."
It was a day of high spirits — jarred by sudden concern about the health of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, a legendary Democrat who is suffering from brain cancer. He suffered an apparent seizure at a Senate luncheon in honor of Obama. "This is a joyous time but it's also a sobering time," Obama said. "And my prayers are with him and his family and (Kennedy's wife) Vicki."
As Kennedy was put into an ambulance, he told Senate colleague Chris Dodd, D-Conn., "I'll be OK, I'll see you later," according to Dodd.
Obama wove a thread of personal responsibility and accountability through his inaugural address. He spoke of a "new era of responsibility" and alluded to the inability — or unwillingness — of Americans to adjust to the passing of an industrial-based economy. "Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age," he said.
After four hours of pomp and ceremony at the Capitol, Obama and his wife, Michelle, rode in a tall, heavily armored Cadillac limousine along the 1.5 mile parade route to the White House. To the delight of cheering onlookers, the Obamas got out and walked down several blocks of Pennsylvania Avenue, waving to people kept behind police baricades.
Two years after beginning his improbable quest as a little-known, first-term Illinois senator with a foreign-sounding name, Obama moved into the Oval Office as the nation's fourth-youngest president, at 47, and the first African-American, a barrier-breaking achievement believed impossible by generations of minorities.
He said it was a moment to recall "that all are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness." In another racial reference, he paid tribute to workers in the past who "endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth."
Obama's election was cheered around the world as a sign that America will be more embracing, more open to change. "To the Muslim world," Obama said, "we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
Still, he bluntly warned, "To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy."
"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist," Obama said in his address, which ran 18 1/2 minutes.
A mighty chorus of cheers erupted as he stepped to the inaugural platform, a midday sun warming the crowd that had waited for hours in the cold. There were some boos when Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney came onto the platform.
The dawn of the new Democratic era — with Obama allies in charge of both houses of Congress — ends eight years of Republican control of the White House by Bush, who leaves Washington as one of the nation's most unpopular and divisive presidents, the architect of two unfinished wars and the man in charge at a time of economic calamity that swept away many Americans' jobs, savings and homes.
Obama called for a political truce in Washington to end "the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics."
The Senate convened to quickly confirm six members of Obama's Cabinet but put off for a day the approval on his choice to be secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, because Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas objected to the unanimous vote. Those confirmed were Steven Chu to be Energy secretary, Arne Duncan at Education, Janet Napolitano for Homeland Security, Eric Shinseki to head Veterans Affairs, Ken Salazar for Interior and Tom Vilsack to lead the Department of Agriculture.
In his speech, Obama said that all Americans have roles in rebuilding the nation by renewing the traditions of hard work, honesty and fair play, tolerance, loyalty and patriotism.
With the economy in a long and deepening recession, Obama said it was time for swift and bold action to create new jobs and lay a foundation for growth. Congressional Democrats have readied an $825 billion stimulus plan of tax cuts and spending for roads, bridges, schools, electric grids and other projects.
Contradicting the objections of Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton to big government, Obama said, "The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works."
After the ceremony, Obama and his wife escorted Bush and his wife to a helicopter on the East Front of the Capitol for the trip to nearby Andrews Air Force Base and a flight back home to Texas.
In his remarks, Obama took stock of the nation's sobering problems.
"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood," he said.
"Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened. ... Homes have been lost, jobs shed, businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly, our schools fail too many, and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."
Outlining goals abroad and putting foes on notice, he declared:
"We will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its people and forge a hard-earned peace in Afghanistan. With old friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet. We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken. You cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you."
It was the first change of administrations since the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Bush — following tradition — left a note for Obama in the top drawer of his desk in the Oval Office.
White House press secretary Dana Perino said the theme of the message — which Bush wrote on Monday — was similar to what he has said since election night: that Obama is about to begin a "fabulous new chapter" in the United States, and that he wishes him well.
The unfinished business of the Bush administration thrusts an enormous burden onto the new administration, though polls show Americans are confident Obama is on track to succeed. He has cautioned that improvements will take time and that things will get worse before they get better.
Culminating four days of celebration, the nation's 56th inauguration day began for Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden with a traditional morning worship service at St. John's Episcopal Church, across Lafayette Park from the White House. Bells pealed from the historic church's tower.
The festivities weren't ending until well after midnight, with dancing and partying at 10 inaugural balls.
By custom, Obama and his wife, and Biden and his wife, Jill, went directly from church to the White House for coffee with Bush and his wife, Laura. Michelle Obama brought a gift for the outgoing first lady in a white box decorated with a red ribbon.
Shortly before 11 a.m., Obama and Bush climbed into a limousine to share a ride to the Capitol for the transfer of power, an event flashed around the world in television and radio broadcasts, podcasts and Internet streaming.
Just after noon, Obama stepped forward on the West Front of the Capitol to lay his left hand on the same Bible that President Abraham Lincoln used at his first inauguration in 1861. The 35-word oath of office, administered by Chief Justice John Roberts, has been uttered by every president since George Washington. Obama was one of 22 Democratic senators to vote against Roberts' confirmation to the Supreme Court in 2005.
The son of a white, Kansas-born mother and a black, Kenya-born father, Obama decided to use his full name in the swearing-in ceremony.
To the dismay of liberals, Obama invited conservative evangelical pastor Rick Warren — an opponent of gay rights — to give the inaugural invocation.
In an appeal for bipartisanship, Obama honored defeated Republican presidential rival John McCain at a dinner Monday night. "There are few Americans who understand this need for common purpose and common effort better than John McCain," Obama said.
On Wednesday, his first working day in office, Obama is expected to redeem his campaign promise to begin the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq under a 16-month timetable. Aides said he would summon the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Oval Office and order that the pullout commence.